Holiday. Experience. Excellence.

North Carolina State Fair

Food & Fun!!!

The North Carolina State Fair was founded in 1853, and is one of the largest and oldest fairs in the United States, attracting over a million visitors each year! You'll find carnival rides, agricultural exhibitions, competitions, food, free entertainment by nationally known artists, demonstrations, garden and craft displays. Along with rides such as; the ferris wheel and Carousel, you'll find a ton of others, and new ones too! Try your hand at one of the many games and win a prize for that special someone. Try a dill pickle donut, a kickin' chicken smashburger, a BBQ turkey leg, or brisket & waffles on a stick. There is something for every palate. There is live music as well! We will depart the fair at 7:00 PM, returning home around 9:00 PM.

Bus on holiday Tour Summary
calendar October 21 (Tuesday)
person Per Person Rates
  Double Triple Quad Single
Adult 79.00 79.00 79.00 79.00
Child 67.00 67.00 67.00 0.00
map pinDeparture Locations
priceprice includes

Deluxe motorcoach transportation; and admission to the NC State Fair.