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How to Road Trip with Your Toddler Like a Pro

Any parent who is preparing to spend several hours or days on the road is likely nervous about how their toddler will behave due to extended periods of time spent in the car. Toddlers are known to be extremely active and require constant stimulation, which can make a road trip challenging for parents. If you want to travel in the car with your toddler like a pro, there are a few main tips to follow.

If Possible, Drive at Night

Driving at night can allow your toddler to sleep most of the time as you spend time on the road, which will help you to focus more on driving instead of becoming distracted by your little one. You can spend the day exploring local attractions along the route that you take and stop at parks where your child can get out and play. Driving at night is also helpful because it can allow you to drive longer without having to stop to take as many breaks if your child is asleep, which can cut down on the time left until reaching your destination.

Don't Disrupt the Potty Training Schedule

Although taking a road trip while in the middle of potty training your toddler may seem impossible, you can continue the progress you've made even on the road. Accidents can be prevented with a travel potty. Place the travel potty in a visible area for your toddler, which will remind them to communicate when they need to go to the bathroom. Set a timer every 20 minutes to remind yourself to ask your child if they need to use the potty to avoid any accidents.

Distract With Snacks and Meals

One of the best ways to keep your toddler entertained on a long drive is to pack plenty of snacks and meals that they can enjoy while taking in the views. Consider packing healthy foods low in sugar that won't cause them to become wired or suffer from an upset stomach. Granola, fruit, pretzels, healthy beverages and natural protein bars will help them to sustain their energy levels and enjoy a bit of entertainment with what they eat.

Traveling with a toddler can be difficult at times. But, with the right tips followed, you can become an expert at taking a road trip with your toddler to ensure you're both happy as you travel.

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